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شريك أعمالك الامثل

Private Offices

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Dedicated desk



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شريك أعمالك الامثل

Private Offices

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Dedicated desk



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Dedicated desk



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Meeting Rooms

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Campus locations

Amman - Jordan

 Abu-Alhaj Complex - 5th Floor - Office #505
 Queen Rania Al-Abdallah Street
 Amman 11953
 Tel: +962 6 5152060

Irbid - Jordan

Al Jamal Centre - 4th Floor

King Abdullah II Street

Irbid 21141


Tel: +962 6 5152060

Development services

All of your business needs in one place 

Web Development

Create stunning, responsive websites that captivate your audience and drive business growth.

App Development

Develop powerful mobile applications that enhance user engagement and streamline operations.

Online Marketing

Implement effective marketing strategies to boost your brand visibility and reach your target audience.

Consulting Services

Receive expert advice and strategic guidance to overcome challenges and achieve your business goals.

Why Choose NerdExams?

  • Free with Lifetime Access: Enjoy FREE lifetime access to your practice tests, allowing you to revisit and refresh your knowledge anytime when you prepare for certification renewal in the future.


  • Expertly Crafted Content: Our practice tests are developed by industry experts who know what it takes to pass.


  • User-Friendly Platform (on Udemy): Easy navigation and accessibility across devices make your study experience smooth and efficient.


  • Flexible Study Options: Study on your schedule with access to practice tests anytime, anywhere, on any device.

Welcome Message!

Welcome to NerdExams, your ultimate partner in achieving certification success. We specialize in providing expertly crafted practice tests that mirror the actual exam experience, helping you build the knowledge, confidence, and skills you need to pass your certification exam on the first try. It is FREE, and it always be!

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